10 Simple Easy Ways to Reach Out to Clients
If you aren’t communicating with your customers regularly…you have problems! Too often my clients (who sell services and/or products and rely on customers for their continued success) tell me that they...
View ArticleBrainstorming Best Practices
Use brainstorming effectively within your business Brainstorming is a great tool to increase innovation within your business. Frankly, you can brainstorm on your own to generate ideas; but for the...
View Article12 tips to communicate your strategy effectively
International research confirms what communication adepts have advocated for years: organisations that excel in their internal communications also excel in their financial performance. In fact, the...
View ArticleThe Fine Art of (Active) Listening
How good are you at listening? Wait – before you answer…really listening. Active listening. Really paying attention to the person speaking. Not thinking about what you are going to say next or about...
View ArticleThe Power of Brief Interactions
Think back to when someone of importance in your working life made you feel special. Was it watching them do something extraordinary or listening to a motivational speech? Well maybe it was but...
View ArticleYes! You Must Facilitate Meetings
In order to increase productivity When a meeting is actively facilitated rather than just keeping it unstructured, the following benefits are realized: There is active participation and contribution by...
View ArticleDo All the Members of Your Team Have the Same Information?
Too often, especially with larger and/or virtual teams, all members do not have consistent information and/or they understand the information they have received differently. This is due to a number of...
View ArticleTask List? What Task List??
Are You Communicating Effectively with Your Team? I recall one of the first projects I ever worked on. During a status meeting, the team lead asked each of us if we had completed our tasks for the...
View ArticleThe Impact of Cultural Differences on Communications
Cultural differences between team members increases the complexity or “thinking” required around communications. Additionally, when we add virtual team members to the mix, we increase the complexity...
View ArticleCommunicating Across Cultural Boundaries
“The problem with communication is the illusion that is has been accomplished.” – George Bernard Shaw Communicating across cultural boundaries is not an easy task, nor one that should be taken lightly....
View ArticleSupporting Change through Communication
Consider these two conversations… How we communicate with others who are struggling through a change makes an impact on their ability to accept and adapt to a change in the organization. Employees who...
View ArticleFacilitating Discussions during Meetings: 8 Steps to Success
Too often in meetings, although there are good intentions, discussions go on too long and the objectives of the discussion are not achieved. Following some simple best practices will enable for more...
View ArticleAre You Communicating with Your Employees?
We can resolve so many issues within the workplace simply by communicating more frequently and more honestly with our employees. Consider how much productive time is wasted in gossip or in employees...
View ArticleTeam Leads as the Communication Link
On larger, global initiatives consider one area of responsibility for team leads is to be a communication link between the management team and the team’s leads direct reports. The larger an initiative,...
View ArticleWhat is Your Communication Strategy for Your Initiatives?
Every initiative – regardless of its size or complexity – requires a communication strategy. Certainly the more complex the initiative, the more complex the communication strategy. However, a smaller...
View ArticleEnabling for Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing across the Organization
There is much knowledge within organizations that is rarely captured and shared. Additionally, some organizations don’t enable for collaboration to occur, which further reduces or hinders knowledge...
View Article5 Ways to Control Your Anger with a Co-Worker
It is easy to lose control when a co-worker does something that angers us. However, losing control and getting angry only serves to impact the relationship with the co-worker in a negative way as well...
View ArticleRegular Communication with Co-Workers
The ability to communication and collaborate with co-workers above and beyond the normal need to work together is essential. Regularly communicating and collaborating with our peers enables for...
View ArticleDevelop a Communication Plan: BPI Project Success
Developing a strategic communication plan to communicate on business process improvement (BPI) projects greatly increases the success of the project overall. The communication plan should include how...
View ArticleImproving Communication through Building Rapport with Others
Rapport: a positive and close relationship between individuals who understand each other’s feelings, ideas and communicate effectively with each other. (Definition adapted from businessdictionary.com)...
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